Doyon Utilities, LLC is a career minded organization employing committed, dedicated, fully qualified employees. Most positions require highly skilled and state certificated individuals to meet both industry standards for utility workers as well as satisfying contract requirements. The utility industries operate on a fifty (50) year cycle and that affords a unique career opportunity for Doyon Utilities employees. Doyon Utilities’ service to Forts Wainwright, Richardson and Greely are goal oriented individuals who clearly understand this corporate philosophy.
Doyon Utilities, LLC employees are critical to the success of our operations. In essence, they are the lifeline of the utility. Developing, retaining and engaging our employees through promotion from within our organization whenever possible, support in the attainment of professional certifications, and encouragement to maintain a healthy work/life balance are among our highest priorities. Doyon Utilities expects the highest professional and ethical standards from our workforce and they accomplish that objective.
Doyon Utilities, LLC corporate headquarters, located in the Jimmy Huntington Building at 714 – 4th Avenue, Fairbanks, Alaska, administers all benefit plans and provides human resource support for all Doyon Utilities, LLC operations. If you have questions regarding employment opportunities or issues related to human resources please contact us.